Friday, December 21, 2007

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

the mysterious Leon Zingaro Petulengro Boswell /

Leon Zingaro Petulengro Boswell is a mysterious fictive mad creature with strange even scary friends ( for most ) operating under cover . We are how ever close to grafiti art . Leon sound or looks like a rebel , the artist behind seems attached to sculture . Scary friends most of them but one could spot some attachement to some existing sweet copenhagen women . Like Barbi was discover the day he bought flower to his wife ( wedding birthday ) it is possible to spot a human beeing behind the monster . It seems also that Leon has been on myspace before as some of the fake identity methods seems to be used here . Once again the personnage is attachant and has a tridementional form wich is a great quality on a flat screen . I will also say that the personnage is poetic . I asked Leon some questions and got an interveiuw in french ..... sorry sorry ( it is in french because the answer give a good " smell " of the artist attitude . Grafiti has moved from the street to social site .... intervieuw by Colonel : A vos ordres mon Colonel! ... les questions, les questions...! Moi j'aime plutôt les questions avec les réponses dans les questions... Allons y pour les questions, mais pas trop hard les questions parce qu'en ce moment j'ai le cerveau en compote... Moi aussi j’ai une question… Tu en connais beaucoup des loustics qui utilisent Facebook dans une optique artistique ? il y a bien certains qui utilisent cet outil pour faire voir leur travail… Moi le peu que j’ai pu observer c’est une flopée d’utilisateurs qui joue les Narcisse… Je ne voudrais pas être trop méchant mais il semblerait selon moi que dans bien des cas, Facebook ou Myspace ont remplacé les murs des pissotières… La preuve, regarde mon profile et la majorité des «amis » qui y sont rattachés. Ah j'oubliai, je suis pas un artiste pour un iota... En revanche des artistes aptes à répondre à tes questions, tu devrais en trouver à la pelle, vu qu'à Kbh c'est l'une des principale profession... Bonne soirée Mon Colonel et bonne continuation pour votre travail !

Monday, December 17, 2007

it is a bit more complicated

As long as possible the story expand and facebook become a place to writte a retrospective with a commun aggreement

Sunday, December 16, 2007

Simone Aaberg Kaern / 10 first days on facebook

Simone Aaberg Kaern is a visual artist but she is also a pilot and a movie maker . She has basically no space limits .She not only fly as a pilot where it is also forbidden (like Afganistan ) but she also moves freely from media to media ( including TV media ) nobody can stop her , she has a notion of extrem freedoom . Since 10 days she started to use Facebook . Thierry Geoffroy tries to grab the first thoughts on her early intentions .

e-mail interview between Thierry and Simone 14 dec 2007

T: When did you start to use facebook?

S: about 10 days ago.

How do you use it?

S: I use it for
1) collecting people that I have lost or otherwise would like to have in my network. Most "real" people and a few token ones to boost the impression I wish when you go to my site and look at "my friends"

2) To display interest groups that will boost the image I use in the art and flying world.

3) To make a platform, like I do in my art where the flying world and the art world can meet. Military pilots and artist, rednecks and feminists... and there are both types in both the flying world and the art world. I believe no change or understanding is possible if you don’t meet for a start.

What is your intention?
My intention is mainly to use the finding people and interests in face book and then take it to another place for more serious work.

You mention you will be out off it in 1 month what did you mean?

S: I believe this kind of medium is like face book is very much on the move. It is about taking what is interesting here and moves what is collected (mainly people) to the next platform when this gets cold. Also, I don't like the set up behind facebook, especially the copyright issues. So it's about keeping the distance, using it for my art purpose and move on before being caught and used too much.

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Mathieu Laurette on Myspace / Mathieu best friend is a cloned Wahrol

The friends space is a "curated "space and for Mathieu Laurette it is a selection of only Andy Wharol friends is display .Wharol is Mathieu best friend , all of the wharol s clone . Not only one but all the clones . The choice of Andy Wharol for Mathieu Laurette is more than delibarate and integrate his Oeuvre perfectly . In myspace everyone can be somebody else , some people open different accounts pretending they are someones else , dead philosophs for example . Mathieu Laurette approach is very " épuré " and methodic , how ever it points at the pathetism of all this fans trying to get a life in myspace . Again Mathieu Laurette is commenting on la société du spectacle , Myspace is just a new space for him like the television has been or the supermarket or the museum

link to Mathieu Laurette on myspace

I lost my 766 friends

link to story

warm up text

Those days the artist Mathieu Laurette is commenting on Art Basel Miami and organize a communauty on the fact of not going there ( beeing sick ? ) .

The artist Colonel works on his immigrant (french ) communauty in Denmark , stimulating new ghettoes , new preferences .In ART = RETARD he invites his facebook friends to a meeting and make then statistic beetween the attempding ones and the reallity of the one really showing up .In complement Facebook is used also as a source to do collections for his " funny sociologue " studies .Still ongoing he also does an exhibition about his work from 2003 using Google as public space ( grafiti in Google ) visible at Galerie Asbæk / Copenhagen ) .

Also those days the writter Nikolaj Lassen is experimenting in myspace and made up a dresssed up identity ( Santa Klaus) but his facebook identity remain serious on face book .Facebook seems to be the serious place .

The critic Hans Ulrick Obrist accept any request on myspace , no censureship , but the best freinds seems to have been " curated " .

The artist Johnathan Meese is changing profile photos sometimes appearing with HEIL HITLER : In both social place hitler seems to be a popular figure and not deleated one , in the contrary encourage . ( tell me wish dictator I am )

The pointing finger was a project connected to Emergency Room on actually pointing daily at disfunctions. The project was in close contact with the Emergency Room format and the training of the awereness muscle . It lasted few days on this exhausiting format , with a lot of GIF animation .

Biennalist used the myspace as a recruiting center for invading Biennials ( Venice / Istanbul / Athens ) and doing penetrations in the Biennial but also in the clubs by taking over the parties ( myspace music was used )

A notice also about the artist Ben Vautier that has been the king of spamming ( the normal way ) . RESPECT : Still spamming ( just got one yesterday )

In 2003 someone rember the project called the SPAMING FEST(?

The artist Mathieu Laurette use myspace for a fan club ( any new request will be granted with a " welcome to the fan club ". He also line up the fact that any one can make a profile as Andy Wharol ( the continuity of the sosie project )

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